EECS 339: Introduction to Databases
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
Northwestern University, Evanston IL
Instructor: Peter A. Dinda
Course Summary: This course introduces the underlying concepts behind data modeling and
database systems using relational database management systems (RDBMS), the
structured query language (SQL), and web applications (Perl DBI in CGI) as
Responsibilities: I conducted weekly recitation sections,
held office hours, wrote and graded solutions for homeworks,
exams and implementation based projects. I also lectured when
instructor was away on travel.
Iterations: I have been a teaching assistant for this
course for the past three years. Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005
CTEC Course Evaluation: You can access my CTEC teaching
evaluation. Fall 2004 and Fall 2005
CS 317: Data
Management and Information Processing
Department of Computer Science
Northwestern University, Evanston IL
Instructor: Goce Trajcevski
Course Summary: Data models and database design. Modeling the real world: structures, constraints, and operations. The entity relationship to data modeling (including network hierarchical and object-oriented), emphasis on the relational model. Use of existing database systems for the implementation of information systems.
Responsibilities: I held office hours, wrote and graded solutions for homeworks,
exams and projects.
CS 194: Compiler Design
Department of Computer Science
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
Instructor: Mark P. Sullivan
Course Summary: Design and implementation of compilers, principles of languages translation. Each student implements a complete compiler for a small but substantial language. The stages of a compiler. Boot-strapping a compiler. Lexical analysis, regular expressions, finite state machines. Syntactic analysis, context free grammars, parsers. Semantic analysis, type checking, symbol tables. Syntax-directed translation. Data flow analysis, peephole optimization. Code generation.
Responsibilities: I held office hours, wrote and graded solutions for homeworks,
exams and implementation based projects.
CS 384: Data Structures and Algorithms
Department of Computer Science
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ
Instructor: El_Sayed El_Alfy
Course Summary: Introduction to basic data structures and algorithms. Emphasis is placed on programming in C++ and debugging skills. Topics include: control flow, loops, recursion; elementary data structures (lists, stacks, queues) and their implementation via arrays and pointers; primitive sorting algorithms; binary trees and searching
Responsibilities: I held office hours, wrote and graded solutions for homeworks,
exams and projects.
CS 580: The Logic of Program Design
Department of Computer Science
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken NJ
Instructor: Douglas Troeger
Course Summary: Introduction to the rigorous design of
functional and procedural programs in modern language (C++). The
main theme is that programs can be reliably designed, proven and
refined if one pays careful attention to their underlying logic,
and the emphasis of this course is on the logical evolution of
programs from specifications. Programs are developed in the UNIX
environment. The necessary background in logic,
program syntax and UNIX is developed as needed, though at a fast
Responsibilities: I held office hours, wrote and graded solutions for homeworks,
exams and projects.