The Official David Franklin FAQ: Page 3


When will David be released?


David(tm) is currently in Beta testing and will be released by the end of the year.


Can I sue you for using my name? ---> David Scott Franklin


No, David Franklin cannot be sued for using "your" name because, as would be clear to anyone with even the ability to spell "lahw", "David Franklin" (note the invisible and unvoiced "Q" before the "k") is a totally different name than "David Scott Franklin."


What was the first song you learned to play on the piano?


Ah, the memories! David Franklin originally started playing the piano in an effort (successful, mind you) to infuriate his older sister who was, at the time, taking lessons. By the time the novelty of upsetting his sister had worn off (years later) David was rather fond of playing the piano and decided to stick with it. The first song I remember playing ... it was in a Leila Fletcher book ... it was something about "Peter" or maybe "Pipes" ... it went CDEGFEDCBGABC...


What's David's favorite nickname for himself?


"The Jackie Chan of Bubble Trouble"

Bubble Trouble is of course the coolest game ever created for the personal computer. Playing the game involves squishing, blowing up and otherwise maiming other fishies (you are a fish too) that seek to do the same to you. The nickname comes in, presumably, due to the volume of panache demonstrated in David's play: plenty of excessive violence and you wish that he would use subtitles. A Mountain Dew commercial deal is currently in the works.

News Flash! The results are in for the Bubble Trouble High Score Contest and David ranked 32nd with a score of 894,077. The T-shirt is proudly displayed in his office.

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