Simone Campanoni

Associate professor
Department of Computer Science at Northwestern University

Simone Campanoni

Computer Science
Northwestern University




Research: Congratulations to Tommy, David, and the rest of the team for having a new paper accepted at ASPLOS 2025! This paper describes a new approach to save bits for tiny devices by safely speculating on the actual bitwidth needs of program's integer variables. This work was a massive effort from all of us that required almost 6 consecutive years of focus. This work spans architecture simulator extensions (Gem5), ARM ISA extensions, new code and data profilers, new LLVM-based compilers, new NOELLE-based profiler-guided code analyses and transformations, new energy models, and new gate-level simulators. This work also includes the integration with other fundamental software infrastructures including DRAMSim and SimPoint. The entire work has been open-sourced with the hope others can benefit from it.


Career: I've started my sabbatical working at Google full-time, and I'm loving it! Google is an amazing workplace, full of incredibly smart people with a passion for computer science and engineering. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to see (and be part of) Google's workplace.

Software: I'm very happy to announce that myself, Yian, and Federico have completed our work for porting NOELLE (and most of the other codebases built upon it, like Gino) to LLVM 14.1.6 (from LLVM 9.0.0). We started this process 4 months ago, Yian has worked on this goal full-time for the last 2 months, and Federico helped us complete this work by dealing with CMake-related aspects. Also, Ziyang and Yebin handled the porting of the alias analysis engine SCAF from LLVM 9 to LLVM 14.
Porting our codebases from LLVM 9 to LLVM 14 highlighted something interesting. The IR as a language did not change much between these two LLVM versions, but the IR instances generated by the front-ends (e.g., clang) and by the IR optimizers (e.g., licm) changed significantly. The IR generated in LLVM 14 is significantly better (in terms of the amount of redundant computation) than the one generated by LLVM 9. These changes have triggered bugs in NOELLE (and software built upon it) that we were not aware of.
Our work has been to reproduce these bugs in LLVM 9 by adding new regression tests into our codebases, then fix these bugs in LLVM 9, and finally update these code changes (if necessary) to the LLVM 14 version. This process allowed us to maintain (at least) the same level of robustness of NOELLE (and the software built upon it) we had at the beginning of this process. But it was time-consuming and tiring; so I'm glad it's finally over :)
From now on, we will no longer maintain NOELLE (and the rest of our software built upon it) for LLVM 9 (YAY!) We are now officially working on LLVM 14!

Group: I'm happy to announce that Riley (Sophia) Boksenbaum will join the ARCANA group as a PhD Student this coming September. Sophia has been part of ARCANA as undergraduate student doing great research in NOELLE and GINO. I look forward to see what she will accomplish as a PhD student!

Research: Congratulations to Jeremiah, Ziyang, and the rest of the team for having a new paper accepted at SC 2024! This paper describes a new study, building upon a decade-old survey that explored computational practices among researchers, aims to bridge the gap in understanding between those providing computational resources and the computational researchers.

Career: It is official: I'll start my sabbatical this coming September and I will work for Google for one year. I'm very excited about it and I look forward to experience the working environment at Google! If you are at Google and would like to catch up before I start, please reach out. I will be in the Chicago office.

Teaching: Slides of the ATC class are now up-to-date to the ones used this year. I hope they will help others.

Software: We have released HBC, the first compiler that transforms loop-based nested parallelism into binaries that benefit from heartbeat scheduling. HBC builds upon NOELLE, which is also open sourced.

Teaching: The student's evaluation of CC is out! Take a look at them. Thank you to all students that took the time to share their thoughts about this class.

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the MICRO program committee for 2024! MICRO is a great conference for computer architecture research. Consider submitting your work!

Research: Congratulations to Ishita Chaturvedi for having her paper accepted at ISCA 2024! This work proposes an energy efficient solution to make cores within GPUs Out of Oder.

Teaching: Slides of the CC class are now up-to-date to the ones used this year. I hope they will help others.

Teaching: Ryan Wong and Ethan Havemann won the competition for the best compiler of the year for the CC class. Ryan and Ethan are now in the Hall of Fame of the class. Congratulations!

Research: Congratulations to Nick Wanninger for having his paper accepted at ASPLOS 2024! This work proposes a compiler-runtime co-design to relocate C/C++ memory objects at run-time using memory handles.

Software: We have released GINO, the first parallelizing compiler that includes DOALL, HELIX, and DSWP parallelization techniques! GINO builds upon NOELLE, which is also open sourced.

Research: Congratulations to Celine for having her paper accepted at ICLR 2024! This work is a beautiful integration of large language models and compilers to exploit their relative strengths and overcome their relative weaknesses. I'm very happy about this paper because this is my first collaboration with Celine Lee, Abdulrahman Mahmoud, Michal Kurek, Stephen Chong, and Alexander M. Rush. Also, this is the first work I was involved with my mentors David Brooks and Gu-Yeon Wei since the end of my Post-doc (2015) and I've missed working with them during my pre-tenure journey.

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the ASPLOS program committee for 2025! ASPLOS is a great conference for research that cross hardware/software boundaries. Consider submitting your work!

Research: Congratulations to Yian Su for having his paper accepted at ASPLOS 2024! This work is about a compiler that is capable to automatically generate parallel code that implements the heartbeat scheduling from fork-join parallelism declared in the source code (e.g., with OpenMP). No more hand-writing heartbeat scheduling solutions anymore!


Research: Congratulations to Ziyang Xu for having his paper accepted at OOPSLA 2024! This work is about a profiling infrastructure for memory operations and their dependences to easily generate very efficient and scalable memory profilers. We can now profile memory operations and their dependences with little overhead, finally!

Proud advisor I'm very proud to announce Enrico A. Deiana will join Google after his Ph.D.! congratulations Enrico (and Google for having recognized how good Enrico is!)

Teaching: Justin Dong won the competition for the best code analysis and transformation of the year for the CAT class. Justin is now in the Hall of Fame of the class. Congratulations!

Teaching: Slides of the CAT class are now up-to-date to the ones used this year. I hope they will help others.

Proud advisor I'm very proud Enrico A. Deiana successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis last week. Enrico did a fantastic job both at presenting his research and at answering all questions, I'm very proud of him! I know he will do great in his next chapter of his life, good luck Enrico! Thank you Peter Dinda, Nikos Hardavellas, Robby Findler, Margo Seltzer, and Arthur Maccabe (Barney) for being part of Enrico's committee, we have greatly appreciated your work!

Research: Congratulations to Tommy McMichen for having his paper accepted at CGO 2024! This work is about the first compiler's IR with collections (in SSA) as first-class citizen. This IR, called MemOIR, will make memory-centric analyses and transformations much, much, much easier (and, for many cases, finally possible!)

Research: Congratulations to Zhenpeng Lin for having his paper accepted at USENIX Security 2024! This is the first collaboration I had with Prof. Xinyu Xing (which recently joined Northwestern) and his group, and I'm very impressed! Great work!

Research: Congratulations to Brian Tauro for having his paper accepted at ASPLOS 2024!

Career: I'm very happy to share I've been promoted to associate professor with tenure. I would like to thank all my students and collaborators for sharing this journey with me. Also, I would like to thank everyone involved in the process of evaluating my case (e.g., committee members, recommendation letter writers). I know this was a lot of work, so thank you!

Teaching: Materials of the ATC class are now up-to-date to the ones used this year. I hope they will help others.

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the MICRO steering committee! MICRO is a great conference for computer architecture research and I'm honored to be part of the steering committee with hopes to help the community. Here are the responsabilities for the steering committee of MICRO.

Research: I'm very happy that a new paper done as Parakinetics group has been accepted to ISCA 2023. It is a great pleasure working with such talented people. Congratulations everyone especially Nayana and Bhargav!

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the MICRO program committee for 2023! MICRO is a great conference for computer architecture research. Consider submitting your work!

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the ASPLOS program committee for 2024! ASPLOS is a great conference for research that cross hardware/software boundaries. Consider submitting your work!

Teaching: Slides of the CC class are now up-to-date to the ones used this year. I hope they will help others.

Teaching: Julio Wang won the competition for the best compiler of the year for the CC class. Julio is now in the Hall of Fame of the class. Congratulations!

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the CGO program committee for 2024! CGO is a great conference for compiler enthusiast like myself. Consider submitting your work to the premier CGO symposium !

Research: I'm very happy our latest paper done as Parakinetics group has been accepted to ASPLOS 2023. Congratulations Susan!


Teaching: Slides of the CAT class are now up-to-date to the ones used this year. I hope they will help others.

Teaching: Riley "a11ce" Boksenbaum won the competition for the best code analysis and transformation of the year for the CAT class. Riley is now in the Hall of Fame of the class. Congratulations!

Research: I'm very happy our last paper within the MARC project has been accepted to CGO 2023. This research aims to help programmers using modern programming language abstractions. Congratulations Enrico!

Research: I'm very happy Michael's latest work has been accepted to CGO 2023. Congratulations Michael!

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the IPDPS program committee for 2023! IPDPS is a great conference for system (including compilers) research for parallel and distributed workloads. Consider submitting your work!

Funding: Our group together with Profs Yan Chen and Hai Zhou have received an award from NSF that will study compiler-based solutions to automatically generate code for NextG network protocols (e.g., 5G). Thank you NSF!

Video: The talk of the NOELLE paper is now available here. I hope you will enjoy it!

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the ASPLOS program committee for 2023! ASPLOS is a great conference for research that cross hardware/software boundaries. Consider submitting your work!

Research: Last year our group started a collaboration with Prof. Pawełczak's group and Prof. Hester's group. The goal was to design a compiler for intermittent computing. I'm very happy that this work has been accepted to PLDI! Congratulations everyone, especially Vito!

Conference: I'm honored to serve (together with Prof. Nikos Hardavellas) as General Co-Chair for MICRO of this year. We'll do our best to run a smooth conference. Please consider to submit your best computer architecture work!

Research: I'm very happy Ling Jin's paper has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing! This was in collaboration with Prof. Yan Chen's group, Prof. Yinzhi Cao, and Ph.D. Di Zhang. Congratulations!

Research: Our latest co-design between compilers and the underlying OS that aims to replace paging has been accepted to ASPLOS! Congratulations everyone, especially Brian and Souradip!

Research: We started the NOELLE project in 2016 as an accelerator for doing compiler research (building a research prototype directly upon LLVM was taking too long for us). We built several compilers upon it over the last 5 years, which allowed us to publish several research prototypes (e.g., CCK, CARAT, CPF, PRVJeeves, Time Squeezer, and many more are coming :) ). While this was gratifying, it didn't feel complete because we haven't published a paper about NOELLE yet. Until now :)
Our paper describing NOELLE has been accepted to CGO this year! This was a significant engineering effort from many people over 5 years, so congratulations to everyone!
We open sourced NOELLE with the hope it can help others as well.


Research: Our vision paper about the interweaving project has been accepted to ROSS, congratulations everyone!

Group: The compiler reading club is online. Please consider to join us to discuss exciting research done by the community!

Research: Our characterization of the semantic gap between serial and parallel programming has been accepted to IISWC, congratulations Dennis!

Research: Our latest compiler built upon NOELLE that enables the OpenMP stack to be included within the Nautilus Operating System by adding only a few thousands of lines of code within the OS has been accepted in SC 2021. Congratulations Brian, Jiacheng, Wenyi, Aaron, Michael, Conghao, and Zhen!

Funding: Our group together with Profs Peter Dinda, Nikos Hardavellas, Umut Acar, and Guy Blelloch have received an award from NSF that will study solutions for frictionless parallelism for heterogeneous platforms! Thank you NSF!

Funding: Our group together with Prof. David I. August's group and Dr. Michael Kruse have received an award from DOE X-Stack that will reconsider automatic parallelizing compilers to translate programs from a parallel programming language to another! Thank you DOE!

Funding: Our group together with Prof. David I. August's group have received an award from NSF PPoSS that will evaluate the actual need for scaling in the Post-Moore's Law Era! Thank you NSF!

Funding: Our group together with Prof. David I. August's group have received a medium award from NSF CCF that will enable a fundamental new design for parallelizing compilers! Thank you NSF!

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the CGO program committee for 2022! CGO is a great conference for compiler enthusiast like myself. Consider submitting your work to the premier CGO symposium !

Teaching: I'm very proud of Peter Zhong and Max Paik; they designed the compiler that won this year's competition of Compiler Construction. Their compiler is impressive, it generates better x86_64 binaries than gcc and clang!

Research: Our latest work that enables programmers to declare parallelism without considering its overhead has been accepted in PLDI 2021. Congratulations Mike!

Research: Our compilation framework we have been developing since January 2016, NOELLE, that we have used in many of our research papers has been released to arXiv (and open sourced in github). Congratulations Angelo!

News: I had a great time being interviewed by Daniel P. Dern for a career profile article in IEEE. He is a valued member of our community!

Research: Our latest compiler, CODE, designed to accelerate the training of Machine Learning ensemble models has been accepted in MLSys. Congratulations Ettore!

News: I'm very happy my mentor Prof. David Brooks has been nominated ACM Fellow.

Proud advisor Congratulations to Souradip for receiving the Honorable Mention in CRA Undergraduate Research Awards.


Teaching: Aaron Nelson won the competition for the best code analysis and transformation of the year for the CAT class. Aaron is now in the Hall of Fame of the class. Congratulations!

Research: I'm very happy that our (Prof. Peter Dinda's and our group) paper has been accepted to SC 2020. I'm particularly proud of this paper because the leading authors (Souradip Ghosh and Michael Cuevas) are very talented already while being undergraduate! I see a bright future for them!

Research: Our new work on the intersection between compilers and operating system has been accepted in PLDI 2020. Congratulations Brian!

Research: Our latest work on automatic parallelization of sequentially-designed code has been accepted in PLDI 2020. Congratulations Sotiris!

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the PACT program committee for 2020! PACT is a great conference for compiler and architect enthusiast like myself. Consider submitting your work to the premier PACT conference !

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the ICPP program committee for 2020! ICPP is a great conference for parallel processing. Consider submitting your work and good luck!

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the LCTES program committee for 2020! LCTES is a great conference for compilers for embedded systems. Consider submitting your work and good luck!

Research: Our latest work on automatic parallelization of sequentially-designed code has been accepted in ASPLOS 2020. Congratulations Sotiris! This is a very important paper because this is the first one (many more to come, stay tuned) that resulted from our new collaboration with the incredible group of David I. August from Princeton!

Funding: We have received funding from ARM and we are very excited to start working with them! thank you ARM!

Research: Our latest work on automatic selection of Pseudo Random Value Generators has been accepted in CGO 2020. Congratulations Michael!

Funding: Russ and I received an award from NSF CCF that will enable the next phase of our TimeSqueezing compiler-architecture research! Thank you NSF!

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the CGO program committee for 2020! CGO is a great conference for compiler enthusiast like myself. Consider submitting your work to the premier CGO symposium !


Research: Our latest work on compiler-architecture co-design for timing speculative processors has been accepted in ISCA 2019 . Congratulations Yuanbo!

Research: Our work on characterizing parallel binaries generated by our STATS compiler has been accepted in ISPASS 2019. Congratulations Enrico!

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the ISPASS program committee for 2019! ISPASS is a great conference for workload characterization. Consider submitting your work!

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the CGO program committee for 2019! CGO is a great conference for compiler enthusiast like myself. Consider submitting your work to the premier CGO symposium !


Research: Our compiler TAFMemo has been accepted in the special issue of IEEE Micro on Approximate Computing. Congratulations Georgios!

Teaching: I've received the 2017-2018 EECS Best Teacher Award! I'm very grateful and lucky to have had such amazing students that made my teaching easy

Conference: I'm very happy to have been invited to serve on the IISWC program committee for 2018! IISWC is a great conference for workload characterization analysis. Consider submitting your work!

Research: Our compiler STATS has been accepted in ASPLOS 2018. Congratulations Enrico!

Research: Our work on compiler-architecture co-design for timing speculative processors has been accepted in DAC 2018 . Congratulations Yuanbo!


Research: Our work on parallelizing sequential code has been highlighted by Communication ACM Research Highlights!

Research: Our work on compilers for non-deterministic programs has been accepted for a PACT 2017 short paper. Congratulations Enrico!

External links:
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