Simone Campanoni

Associate professor
Department of Computer Science at Northwestern University

Simone Campanoni

Computer Science
Northwestern University

We are the ARCANA logo group.
We specialize in compilers and their impact on the surrounding hardware/software layers.
Our codebases can be found here.

Information for the ARCANA logo members

Chat and mailing list
Our group uses the Northwestern University Compilers slack group to communicate.
Also, our group uses the mailing list
Finally, we use the following Google calendar for our event (link). You have automatically access to it when you join our Google group.
If you do not have access to them, send an email to Simone specifying your Gmail you want to use for registering to our Google group.

Our group has a Google calendar where all meetings are listed. This is the ARCANA calendar.
If you do not have access to it and you want to access it, then you need to register to our Google group (see above).

Group resources
Our group uses Zotero to share the database of papers we have read (and often use it to build upon our research). Papers are organized hierarchically by topics or research direction. To have access to it, click here and send a message to Simone via the ARCANA slack group.

Our group uses a spreadsheet (called the Speaker log) to keep track of the talks done within the group during our weekly group meetings. We only keep track of the talks done by ARCANA members. The link to this document can be found on top of the "arcana-group-at-large" slack channel of the ARCANA slack group.

Our group uses a private repository to share (for example) our research plans, ongoing papers, various scripts we collected over the years (e.g., plotting, data analyses), slides and technical documents for various exams, slides for introducing new students to the Ph.D. program, and forms for various bureaucratic tasks (e.g., food reimbursement). All ARCANA members should take advantage of this knowledge to accelerate their progress through the Ph.D. program.
The git repository is

Our group shares the lab 3304/08 in Mudd with Prof. Nikos Hardavellas group.
If you do not have access to it, send an email to Simone specifying your Wildcard ID and employee ID.

Weekly group meetings
Our group meets every Friday between noon and 3 pm (CST) in the Systems lab in Mudd.
Please feel free to join.
We also meet every week in dedicated meetings, one per ongoing research paper.
Finally, we meet every week for Scrum via Zoom.

Our group uses condor to organize the servers of our cluster Zythos. The login node is and it is the only node you can access directly. All nodes are connected via NFS and they have (almost) identical software installed.

Before using the cluster, you need to familiarize yourself with our guidelines, which you can find it by cloning the git repository at /project/zythos/zythos.git stored in the cluster.
$ git clone /project/zythos/zythos.git PDF

To have an account on Zythos, send an email to Simone specifying your Net ID.

Ongoing collaborations within Northwestern
Our group is part of the Northwestern University Parallelism group (NUP).
The NUP calendar includes all meetings (time, location, purpose) related to the group.
If you do not have access to it, then send an email to Simone.

Our group is also part of the Northwestern Time Squeezing group (TS).
The TS calendar includes all meetings (time, location, purpose) related to the group.
The slack channel is timesqueezing of the ARCANA slack group.
If you are interested and you don't have access, then send an email to Simone.

Our group is also part of the Center for Deep Learning.
If you are interested, then send an email to Simone.

Ongoing collaborations outside Northwestern
Our group collaborates with the Liberty research group at Princeton, which is run by Prof. David I. August.
Together, we are the parakinetics group logoParakinetics group.
We meet multiple times per week on top of communicating via Slack via a dedicated slack group. We brainstorm, design, and develop compilers together as a single group.
We use the following dedicated calendar to list all meetings.
If you are interested in joining this collaboration, then send an email to Simone.

Our group also collaborates with the research group of Prof. Timothy M. Jones at University of Cambridge.
If you are interested in joining this collaboration, then send an email to Simone.

Our group also collaborates with the HExSA research Lab at Illinois Tech, which is run by Prof. Kyle C. Hale.
If you are interested to join this collaboration, then send an email to Simone.

Current Ph.D. student mentees

Brian Homerding Brian Homerding
Tommy McMichen Tommy McMichen
Yian Su Yian Su
David Dlott David Dlott
Federico Sossai Federico Sossai
Haocheng Gao Haocheng Gao
Riley Boksenbaum Riley Boksenbaum

Current master student mentees

Current undergraduate student mentees

Benjamin Ye


Ph.D. students
Master students
  • Pengxiang Huang
  • Nathan Greiner
  • Jasper Liang
  • Xiao Chen
  • Tzu-Hsuan Huang
  • Drew Kersnar
  • Alexandra Grimes
  • Siyuan Chai
  • Zhenqing Hu
  • Yian Su
  • Ettore M. G. Trainiti
  • Jordan Timmerman
  • Michael Leonard
  • Shrivant Bhartia
Undergraduate students
  • Jiarui Lu
  • Zachary Dale Gerstenfeld
  • Riley Boksenbaum
  • Nikhil Kalghatgi
  • Kevin McAfee
  • Souradip Ghosh
  • Drew Kersnar
  • David O’Sullivan
  • Lukas Gross
  • Michael Leonard
  • Sasha Weiss
  • Nathan John Shelly
  • Angelo Matni
External links:
LinkedIn profile LinkedIn Follow SimoneCampanoni on Twitter Twitter GitHub profile GitHub

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